About Me

Hello There! 😀

I’m Elle and I’m from Australia :)

I enjoy watching movies and tv shows and I’m a major bookworm! I’m interested in criminology and I hope to move to London one day!

I literally addoooooore almost every male celebrity walking this planet and love Ed Sheeran’s music. I’ve even seen him live in concert (in like, the third row aaah!)

I hope you all like & support my work! Feel free to say hi to me, I love new people! 😀

Send me a message or two if you like at my email address elle_brace@awesomeauthors.org

Also, like my Official Facebook Page and add me as a friend on GOODREADS or give me a review (If you want…). Any kind of support is well appreciated.

And one last thing, I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKIN’ MUCH! !%E&@Y(&@!! :)